Account Activation Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we updating the website?
The new website will offer improved navigation, enhanced features, and a better overall shopping experience for our customers.

What do existing customers need to do?
The first thing existing customers need to do is activate their member account on the new website. Instructions for account activation will be provided on the new site.

Will my previous orders and account information be available on the new website?
Your account information, such as your name, email, and phone number, will be available on the new website once you activate your account. However, your order history will not be transferred.

Are there new features on the new website?
Yes, the new website will include several new features designed to enhance your shopping experience. These include improved product search, faster checkout, and better account management tools.

Can I still use my existing voucher code on the new website?
No, previous voucher codes cannot be used on our new website. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding during this transition.

Will my loyalty points be affected?
Your loyalty points will still be available on the new website. However, moving forward, SURE points earned at Switch and Urban Republic will be managed separately. (Purchases at Switch will award SURE points at Switch only, and vice versa for Urban Republic.)

Can I transfer my points between Switch and Urban Republic?
Yes, you can transfer your points between Switch and Urban Republic, and vice versa, once the points transfer process is complete.

Why can't I see my SURE Points?

Your SURE points are being transferred. Some users may see a 0 points balance from 18 July to 26 August. For more information, refer to the changes in the loyalty section.

Who can I contact if I need assistance?

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the update process, including complications activating your account, please contact our customer support team via WhatsApp/voice call at 04-2023972.

We reserve the right to amend or update these FAQs and any related terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Please check this page regularly for any changes.